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Dishwasher Tablet 36 pieces

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300.00 TL
300.00 TL

Naturalive Natural Dishwasher Tablet

Naturalive Natural Dishwasher Tablet provides cleaning with oxygen instead of chlorine.
Naturalive Dishwasher Tablet, a herbal cleaner, can be used on your plates and glasses leaves no chemical residue and provides natural shine with lemon salt. Contains It prevents the formation of unwanted odors thanks to the soda it contains.

Features of Naturalive Natural Dishwasher Tablet

- Performs 36 washes
- Created from herbal raw materials.
- It does not contain phosphate, brightener, petroleum derivative harmful chemicals.
- It is a vegan product. No animals or food of animal origin were used during the production and testing stages.
- It is natural and domestic production.

Ingredients of Naturalive Natural Dishwasher Tablet

Ingredients: Tri Sodium Citrate, Oxygen Based Bleach, Zeolite, Soda, Borax.
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