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Vitamin C

 | Ratings & Reviews 16
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225.00 TL
225.00 TL

Huma Ester-C (Vitamin C)

Huma Ester-C is in the form of sodium L-ascorbate. Huma Ester- in the form of L-ascorbate C is not acidic. Since it is basic, soozes your stomach by increasing the pH of stomach acids. Other C than vitamins, it stays in the body longer and is better absorbed, thanks to its ability to dissolve in water and oil.

Huma Ester-C Storage Conditions and Shelf Life

- Stored in a cool and dry place, tightly closed.
- Shelf life is 2 years.

Huma Ester-C Does not contain any additives

Ingredients: Sodium L-ascorbate (Vitamin C)
B12 Vitamini 60 tablet
    (0 Yorum)
280.00 TL
Iodine Solution 30 ml
    (0 Yorum)
200.00 TL
Black Grape Seeds
    (4 Yorum)
85.00 TL
    (0 Yorum)
350.00 TL
Coltsfoot Extract Paste
    (0 Yorum)
245.00 TL
5-HTP Vitamin B6
    (5 Yorum)
300.00 TL
Iron Bisglycinate Vitamin C
    (6 Yorum)
165.00 TL
Calcium, Magnesium Vitamin B6
    (8 Yorum)
280.00 TL
Vitamin D3 K2
    (5 Yorum)
180.00 TL
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